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Shotiko Morchiladze is a Georgian artist, painter and designer. born in Tianeti, Georgia (1995, 15 september). Now he lives in Mtskheta, Georgia (Mtskheta is a city in Kartli province of Georgia and was capital of the early Georgian Kingdom of Iberia during the 3rd century BC – 5th century AD). 


He has been drawing since childhood when he was about 4 (a very little boy). At art school he studied painting and drawing.


This artist uses charcoal pencils, graphite pencils, colored pencils (Faber-Castell), ballpoint pens and watercolor. He creates realistic drawings with graphite and colored pencils.


He also studied icon painting at the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral (Mtskheta, Georgia).


Since 2014 has studied at the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts faculty of architecture & design (Tbilisi State Academy of Arts  is one of the oldest universities in Georgia and Caucasus. It is located in Tbilisi city near the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre on Rustaveli avenue. 


He says: "In fact, I can´t remember when I began to make the first lines. And that includes the walls of my home."


"Drawing is everything to me. It’s something I can do to make myself feel better when I’m down. I get my feelings down on paper." 


"Being an artist is something that doesn’t depend on age. It doesn’t depend on religion, or ethnicity, skill level or the colour of your skin. Anyone can draw, whether they think they’re good or not. It’s not about being the best when you start. It’s about watching yourself get better as you go along. There are two kinds of artist: those that keep drawing and those that don’t. I hope to be one of the ones that keep drawing."


"Drawing is one the most fun activities that keeps me thinking and keeps me entertained.  I get lost while I draw; it’s my way of entering a world that no one else can see until I make the marks on paper. Drawing is freedom. I enjoy the conversation between myself, my materials and ideas that hopefully I can share with others. It’s like being able to talk in a different way."


შოთიკო მორჩილაძე დაიბადა თიანეთში 1995 წლის 15 სექტემბერს (მხატვარი/დიზაინერი). ცხოვრობს ქალაქ მცხეთაში. სწავლობდა მცხეთის წმიდა ათორმეტ მოციქულთა სახელობის მართლმადიდებლურ საშუალო სკოლაში. დაამთავრა მცხეთის #2 საჯარო სკოლა. 

ხატავს დაახლოებით 4 წლის ასაკიდან, თუმცა სერიოზულად 8 წლის ასაკში დაინტერესდა. სამხატვრო სკოლაში შეისწავლა ხატვა და ფერწერა. ასევე სწავლობდა ხატწერას სვეტიცხოვლის საკათედრო ტაძარში. 

ამჟამად სწავლობს თბილისის აპოლონ ქუთათელაძის სახელობის სახელმწიფო სამხატვრო აკადემიაში (არქიტექტურის ფაკულტეტი: გარემოს დიზაინი).



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